Bevagna is the starting point for visiting Umbria
Bevagna is the starting point for visiting Umbria


It is a charming medieval village located in the heart of Umbria, surrounded by a breathtaking landscape and rich in history and culture. is a small town located in the Topino river valley. The city is famous for its well-preserved historic centre, with numerous medieval palaces and churches. Among the main attractions are the Torti Theater, the Palazzo dei Consoli and the Church of San Silvestro.

The surrounding area offers many attractions for tourists of all ages and interests, including:

Moreover, Bevagna is located in a strategic position for visiting the most famous art cities of Umbria.

City to visit absolutely in Umbria

Umbria is a region rich in history, art, culture and breathtaking landscapes. If you are planning a trip to this region, here are some cities that you cannot miss:

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